Unstoppable Referrals Launchpad
Finally build a SYSTEM that gives you 10, 20, 30, even 50 referrals every month, and do it in the next 30 days, guaranteed
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There's a fundamental problem with asking for referrals the "old way"...
We've surveyed over 1000 professionals and asked , "What's your #1 barrier to getting more referrals?" and the top three responses are...
- “I’m uncomfortable asking..." (totally understandable and I'll explain why this is, in a moment)
- “I do great work, my clients love me and compliment me all the time, but they rarely refer me..." (frustrating, isn't it)
- “I ask my clients for referrals, but it's hard to get them to follow through..." (it's as if they go into the witness protection program right after you ask, then you have to decide--should you keep bugging them?)
The problems are real, and totally understandable. The truth is that the way you've been taught to get referrals is fundamentally flawed.
It's a totally selfish process--all about getting more business for you.
Nothing wrong with getting new business, that's the end goal, but the old referral approach is a one-sided proposition.
Lots of benefit for you, little for your client or referral partner (actually it's almost all risk for them)...
And questionable value for the prospect being referred.
The root of the problem…
At the end of the day, the only way we measure the success of a referral is if you sell something to the referred prospect.
And in the old model of referrals, you have to go ask your client if they know anybody that needs what you do.
Then, they’ve got to think…and think…and think…to try and come up with a suitable prospect for you.
IF they do (and that’s a big if), then they have to go and sell their friend, colleague, family member, maybe even valued client, on meeting you.
And what do we call this meeting?
A sales meeting.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t know anyone who wants to go to a sales meeting.
So your client, who wants to help you is in a tough spot.
You’re asking this person to do your prospecting for you, convince the potential client to agree to a sales meeting with you, and make the connection.
Most highly-paid and highly-trained sales people struggle to do this, and you expect your unpaid and untrained sales force (your clients) to be able to do this successfully…?
Good luck.
It’s not your fault, it’s a bad model.
The Secret to More Referrals
In 2012, I led a series of workshops on referral marketing, attended by over 300 business owners. We taught them the conventional wisdom available at the time which really boils down to three things you need to do to get more referrals:
- Ask more often
- Follow-up for a long time
- Do really great work (and referrals will come)
We got rave reviews for those workshops, and people left thinking they would soon be creating a lot more referrals.
Six months later I went and followed-up with about 20 of the people who attended, just to check on their progress. I was sure I’d hear amazing stories of success.
Then the disappointment set-in.
Not one of those people had done anything with the advice from those workshops. They all agreed it was great advice. They all agreed that it would work, if they just did something with it, but none of them had done anything and I wanted to understand why…
So, I asked a lot of questions and here’s what I discovered:
For these highly successful business people, asking for referrals was hard. It made them uncomfortable. They felt they were taking value from their relationships with their clients (who were already paying them big bucks).
After really digging deep, I realized that this wasn’t some trivial concern, it was a fundamental flaw in the referral process.
The “old way” of asking for referrals is a one-way flow of value.
So I decided to re-engineer the referral process…
Align your interests, with your client’s interests and the prospect’s interests and referrals become instantly easier
The root of the problem with referrals is that it’s all about you. Specifically, about you getting more clients.
There’s little to gain from a client referring you, and a lot of risk (if you mess up…their reputation is damaged).
In the Unstoppable Referrals Launchpad™ I show you exactly how to align your interests, with your client’s and with the prospect’s interests…
And, I show you a simple and clear process to quickly unlock all the referrals that are, right now, sitting there, hidden in your network. Those referrals are just waiting for you to go get them, but you need an easier way, a low-risk way.
In the course, I’ll show you step-by-step exactly how to do that.
Your clients want to help you, you’re just making it too hard
That’s right, your clients do want to help you, but they’ve got their own lives, their own businesses, and they’re busy just like you, trying to get everything done.
They may be willing to help you, but at the end of a long day, few will do anything to help you…it’s just too much work.
The answer is to make it painfully easy for them to refer.
Inside the course, I’ll teach you the three-part antidote to hard referrals—
- The Referral Kit™
- The Reverse Prospecting Advantage
- The Value Conversation™
Together, they’ll make it easy for you to start getting 5, 10, even 20 referrals at a time, from a single client.
“I’m a real estate broker and auctioneer working with probate attorneys. I’ve started relationships with 38 attorneys using Steve’s guidance. I have made about $20,000 so far from these attorney meetings and got a call from someone who remembered our lunch when her client needed my services…I won the business over the client’s family member who is a competitor. Steve’s approach to attracting clients really works!”
Terry Hunter, Hunter-Broker, Fine Homes | Auctions
Your Instructor
Steve Gordon is the bestselling author of Unstoppable Referrals: 10x Referrals, Half the Effort, he's grown two highly successful professional service business, one to multiple seven figures in revenue. His referral strategies are used by service businesses all over the world, including--attorneys, accountants, designers, photographers, engineers, architects, business coaches, management consultants, financial advisors, insurance brokers, real estate agents and many more...
Course Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
When would be a better time to start, than now?
If you've been looking for a clear and simple strategy for getting more clients, and you're tired of trying to get "Internet leads", tired of making cold calls, and just want something that works now, and will work for years to come, the Unstoppable Referrals™ approach is it.
I encourage you to jump-in. There's no risk. You could be landing new clients in the next 30-days.